About Margaret

About Margaret Hoadley - Blueprint Natural Health Maitland

Hi, I Am Margaret Hoadley

I began my clinical practice in regional NSW in 1999 with a Diploma in Herbal Medicine and a sound knowledge of Iridology, the study of the coloured part of the eye, then add Rayid iridology, which reads personality traits, potential, birth order and genetic inheritance; Sclerology, the white part of the eye. Through learning Reiki I, II and III in 2000 and Kinergetics, I was able to achieve deep, long term emotional healing through the neural pathways, and Distance Healing. In 2011 I added Theta Healing Advanced DNA and in 2017, Life Coaching to my training.

My intention is to help people to live according to their highest physical, emotional and spiritual potential, and my study choices always reflect that.

With over 20 years of experience working with clients, I have a long list of success stories which I attribute to the quality of my diagnostic tools and a determination driven by compassion for those who are suffering. I have done some of my best work for people who have received all that the medical system has to offer, and are still suffering.

In keeping with today’s need to consider the time factor in travelling and getting to appointments I have taken ‘Blueprint Natural Health’ to a new level. All consultations are able to be conducted using phone or by email via Distance Healing methods.

I promise you a unique experience that will change your life in the best possible ways through dedicated, friendly, professional service, and natural healing when you need alternative pathways to improved health.

The Healing Journey

Your complete recovery needs to heal your whole body. I take a holistic approach to your treatment by addressing problems on your physical, mental and emotional levels.

Your consultation is designed to give you the path to freedom from current and future suffering. Using scientifically proven healing methods including Iris Diagnosis, Herbal Remedies and Energy Healing; we will address your health issues on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

I’ll start with an accurate diagnosis of your health problem; and help
you take the steps to address the emotional and physical aspects, and begin the healing process to regain and maintain your health.

When your hormonal balance becomes disrupted by stress, age, inactivity, food choices or inherited causes they don’t automatically re-adjust themselves. Unbalanced hormones can cause havoc in what could otherwise be a healthy body.

Your healing experience is planned to ensure that you get the results you are looking for, and provide the lifestyle advice and nutritional support that will assist you in maintaining the benefits achieved.