Bach Flower Remedies are useful in just about every aspect of our lives, whether it’s for treating specific emotions or for more general environmental factors.
Did you know that these remedies are good, not only for treating stress and other emotions, but many other kinds of every-day problems? With summer around the corner, I thought this timely message might spare you some suffering.
First Aid Treatment for Sunburn: Rescue Remedy can be used in many ways. Use them in the bath tub for treating irritated skin. Treat sunburn by putting a few drops in some lukewarm water, soaking a soft cloth in the solution and applying it to the affected area. I have even treated a scald from boiling water in the same way, which turned out to be a miracle cure, because there was no blistering, pain or any sign of the burn within minutes.
A word of caution though: don’t apply these remedies undiluted to broken skin!
Bach Flower Remedies for Plants: Plants are living, breathing organisms, and just like people, they respond emotionally to their own circumstances and surroundings as well as to the people in their lives. We’ve all seen the shock, fear, despondency and even the indecision about whether or not to live or die that comes from such actions. The opposite happens when your plants are placed in the exact right environment and receive all the love and attention that allows them to not only survive but to thrive and flourish.
When planting seeds or seedlings, using flower essences in the right combination for the particular growth period is very beneficial. Use a combination of Vine to help the seed to break through the shell, Hornbeam to provide energy for the extra effort of growth, and Olive to overcome the exhaustion caused by germination and growth. While you’re at it, take 4 drops of Impatiens yourself to relieve that “can’t wait” feeling.
For treating pests of all kinds, Crab Apple is your go-to remedy. To prolong the life of cut flowers, use Rescue Remedy to help them adjust to the new environment. Treating Pets with Flower Remedies: Every pet owner would benefit greatly by having a bottle of Rescue Remedy in their possession. This has saved many expensive Vet visits and the lives of many pets that have been injured in accidents, suffered with broken bones, bites, fights with dogs, and suffering from acute disorders like vomiting.
In these unusual times of lockdowns and isolation, it’s easy to access help for the people, pets and plants in your life by giving Margaret a call. All consultations are available by phone, Facetime, Zoom or WhatsApp.
Contact Margaret at Blueprint Natural Health on 0414 463 417 to make an appointment