Chronic Illness – A Fresh Perspective For Treatment

Do you constantly feel tired, sick or have random unexplainable symptoms?

Do you just “suck it up and get on with it” when you really need to go back to bed and rest?

Do people tell you “you don’t look sick” or “walk it off?”

These are all very common occurrences for most people suffering from chronic illness. Apart from the empathy of fellow sufferers, it seems that there’s almost no compassion and understanding for anyone who is afflicted this way.

Chronic diseases are defined as conditions that last for a year or more and require on-going medical attention, limit activities of daily living, or both. They begin and proceed in a gradual, subtle way, but can have lifelong debilitating effects, unless you’re able to identify the cause of the condition and take the necessary action to correct the issue.

For far too long we’ve all been told that these conditions are incurable and must be managed. Instead of seeking a full recovery, we are assured that there’s no cure, but managing symptoms is the only way to go, with medications and expensive pills and potions.

Some of the triggers to chronic illness are lifestyle choices such as inactivity, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating junk foods, many of which are made from ingredients that aren’t even part of the human food chain!

You must also be aware of the ongoing stress in your life, the response to the prolonged emotional pressure that you feel you have little or no control over. And let’s not forget the dormant viruses that return again and again when you’re under stress of any kind. These viruses become dormant by establishing themselves in your cells after you’ve taken antibiotics and lots of over the counter medications to get you back on your feet quickly so you can go back to work in the job that’s stressing you out! It’s a vicious cycle. Added to all of that, there’s the power of the belief that there’s no cure for what ails you!

I bring a fresh perspective to the treatment of chronic illness. A combination of Herbal Remedies to address physical symptoms, Flower Essences to help with emotional support and Energy Healing to restore the flow of energy throughout your entire body, will provide holistic healing.

If you have a chronic illness, I have the expertise and experience to help you. Let’s have a conversation to discuss your health issues and how I can assist you in regaining your best possible health.

Check out my Facebook Specials. There’s a Half Price Introductory Offer; a FREE Iris Diagnosis (valued at $50) when you book and pay for a consultation. Packages that provide great value are also available.

Message or Call me – if I miss your call, please leave a message and I’ll call you back.

Until then, your goal is to feel “Chronically Fabulous,” so get plenty of rest!

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