Connecting with Those We Love

Connecting with Those We Love

Do yourself a favour and forgive everyone… of everything

It’s that time of year again already! The silly season has come very quickly this year, and I can hardly wait for the festivities to start.   

If your definition of family is something like, “Family: where logic goes out the window and the loudest person wins the argument” remember, love is more than a warm and fuzzy feeling, and people raise or lower to meet the level of your expectation of them, so set the bar high.                                                                        

Perhaps you need to develop some light-hearted but deep and meaningful survival skills, like putting the “fun” back in dysfunction, setting boundaries, forgiving, or my personal favourite, experience the benefits of showing interest but not expressing any opinions?  Good luck with that one if you have any expectations or control issues.

For some, the holidays are a difficult time because, for a number of reasons, the whole family isn’t together.  Even when there is distance separating or estrangement, maintaining the relationship bond energetically is a very helpful, powerful tool. No matter how far away people go from us, they’re only a thought away. Thoughts carry energy and their energy knows no bounds. This is science, not made up, fanciful stuff.  Positive thoughts of love and connection can ease a lot of lost emotional energy, which is what happens when we obsess over feelings of sadness and loneliness, or anger and resentment. By the way, beware of any persistent negative feelings because they find a home in our organs or joints, and can be the beginning of illness.

It’s good to take time to acknowledge and remember those who have transitioned to the next phase of life because this allows you to connect and feel their love. As quantum theory tells us, they’re not distant from us at all, and could even be as close as our next thought.  This also gives an opportunity to take care of unfinished business, for example, forgiving those who have hurt us. Not everybody gets to leave this phase of life having had the opportunity to forgive or receive forgiveness. This is very important because nobody wants to spend eternity feeling bad about things that happened or what they did during their lifetime.

Forgive everyone… of everything, and the earlier that happens, the better. The act of forgiving is for the one who has been wronged, because holding onto resentment and anger only hurts the one with the negative feelings. Negative energy, held for too long can and does cause serious diseases!

If this has been your experience, and you need to find answers that work, call to book your consultation now or to discuss how I may be able to help you.

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Contact MargaretPhone 0414 463 417 

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