Energy Healing

The History of Energy Healing

Our early ancestors regarded energy in ways that modern scientists have dismissed. They employed their innate senses instead of using special instruments or tools as we currently do.

It seems that every ancient culture, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, African, Tibetan, Indian, Hawaiian, had their own versions of energy healing. Some modalities have been all but lost, but there are many ancient healing practices and philosophies that have made their way, not only into our modern complimentary therapies, but more than a few Western Medical practices are recognising the value of alternate modalities like Acupuncture, Chakras, Energy Meridians, Reiki, Distant and Hands-on Healing, Energy fields, Reflexology, Pranic Healing, Mediation, Intentional Healing, Shiatsu, Ayurveda, Colour and Sound healing, Sacred geometry and more.                     

Who would want to live in a world without the ancient wisdom and traditions of these cultures?  Who would we be without them, and what would become of the human race?

What is Energy?  

It is energy that holds everything together, and for the purposes of this discussion on energy healing, the energy referred to is quantum energy.  The quantum field is where all things are connected and there’s no time or space. This is what allows quick, sometimes instantaneous healing or change to take place. It also allows you to access your own genetic information and enables you to change some of the old programmes that are holding you back or making you sick. We could talk the science of electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic energy, but Google or a science lab is a much better option for that kind of learning.               

Everything has its own intelligence that holds it in its place perfectly, and everything in the world is made of energy, and so are we. The definition of energy is “information that vibrates.” An example of this comes from “The Wisdom Codes” by Gregg Braden. Recent studies confirm a theory that was first proposed early in the 20th century: that the words of our everyday language directly influence the way our brain “wires” itself when it comes to how we think, and even what we are capable of thinking about. Among other things, this refers to the ability of your healthy brain, wired for resilience to protect you from the effects of stress and modern day living.  It has been said that “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.”  And this statement sums up perfectly my understanding of what energy is and what it does in the broadest sense: “One of the consequences of globalisation is that we share everything, including the hardships of an unsustainable economy.” (Gregg Braden “Resilience from the Heart, the power to thrive in life’s extremes.”)

What is Subtle Energy?

Dr William Tiller, physicist, author and expert on subtle energy, says that we are not able to measure subtle energies using the same means as used when measuring physical energy, but their signals can be detected. This is because, as they change one type of energy into another, they create a conversion process known as transduction, that creates a signal at the magnetic vector.  They also generate electric and magnetic signals that have visible effects. Tiller’s experiments show that subtle energies manifested by people can increase electron size and numbers, and a person can direct the flow of this energy through intention. These experiments show that this is even effective over distance, as in Distant Healing and Reiki.

Subtle energy medicine is one of the most rapidly expanding fields in the world. As it gains acceptance, proven reliability and validity, the volume of information is also increasing.

Energy Healing and Energy Healers

You may have heard the term “energy healer” or “energy healing” and wondered what this means. Hopefully, some of your questions will be answered here. In her book “The Subtle Body, An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy” Cindi Dale explains the difference between curing and healing as follows: “To cure is to erase symptoms. To heal is to assure a state of wholeness. A whole person is whole in spite of a missing leg, a flu bug or a death sentence. An energy healer is someone who helps another person to realise his or her inherent wholeness, regardless of appearances or the outcome of treatment.”

An energy healer is a person who is skilled in their ability to assist another person to access and resolve their suffering at its origin.  Energy healers often follow their intuition, which is defined as “an immediate understanding and knowing something without reasoning, or knowing why they know.”  Intuition lies somewhere between instinct and reason, bridging the gap between the conscious and subconscious minds. Research from the Institute of HeartMath supports the use of intuition in energy work. A lot of their findings show that the heart is the key to unlocking our intuition.    Studies show that the heart is the centre of love and empathy. This is measurable through the electromagnetic energy field produced by the heart more than anywhere else in the body.   Heart-centred energy healing comes through this energy field via the nervous system tuning into and responding to the magnetic fields produced by the hearts of other people.  This is one way a heart-centred healer helps other people.

Subtle Energy is magnetic in nature and travels faster than the speed of light. It can’t be seen or accurately measured using current scientific methods.  Our ancestors understood energy in ways that modern scholars have abandoned. They used their senses to detect the inner workings of the human body instead of special tools and microscopes. It is difficult to fully comprehend or explain subtle energies or energy healing because science still doesn’t really understand energy.

Chakras – the importance of keeping life in balance

There are 7 main Chakras or energy centres in the body. Each Chakra connects to the energy channel (meridian) governed by that particular Chakra and needs to be kept open, in balance and aligned as they regulate the energy that flows from all areas of your being. The physical   of digestion and sleep as well as the emotional aspects of stress and all that goes with being human are connected to these energy centres. An example of how important it is to keep your Chakras well balanced is the Base Chakra. This is the first Chakra to be formed in the womb, and is the home of the Inner Child. For about the first 8 or 9 years of life, a child’s Base Chakra is taking in all the information that is going on around him/her. If the child suffers any kind of trauma or abuse, that creates the child’s view of him/herself in the world. The child will stay wounded into adulthood, or until the inner work of resolving the meanings they’ve attached to the emotions associated with the trauma or abuse.

When working with clients with these kinds of issues, Energy Healing is the ideal solution.  This is where we work with the body’s innate intelligence, or subconscious, to identify the origins of the emotions and the traumas involved. This is a very safe way of resolving such deep wounds because the body’s intelligence knows exactly how to heal the pain at its origin, quickly and without prolonged suffering.    


There are 12 pairs of Meridians or energy channels transporting life energy or Chi/Qi throughout the body. They relate to the major energy systems of the body and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each one has its own particular two-hour block of time in which to do its work of cleaning, processing and assimilating.  An example of this, if you wake between 2:00 – 4:ooam, chances are that your liver is struggling to process something from the previous day. That something could be physical, like digesting heavy meals or too much food, or it could be more of an emotional stress issue.  It’s the job of your liver to “digest” not only the food you’ve consumed but also the emotional content of the day…. a big job in anyone’s life!

Energy blockages can be the result of stress, injury or trauma, poor living habits, addictions, and/or lack of exercise, and can be traced to the root of all health problems.

Our energy flow affects how we feel, how we think, and the overall condition of our health.  When the body’s life-force energy becomes blocked, it seems that there’s no limit to the variety of physical and emotional upsets and imbalances that can result.

Healing the Master Blueprint

At Blueprint Natural Health, the focus is on rebalancing the different kinds of energies that contribute to sustaining the structure, function and integrity of your entire being according to your Blueprint, or “Master Blueprint.”  This is your birthright. Causing change to occur in the energy around emotional and behavioural issues and illnesses created in the course of living your everyday life, and replacing the negative with the most desirable outcomes is what makes this brand of healing completely unique. 

Healing the Master Blueprint involves using many different modalities that work together to create a perfect healing environment. This system of healing is successful in changing any negative or unhealthy patterns and restoring optimal flow of energy and function to every organ, gland and body system. Changes for the best possible outcome according to the Master Blueprint take place in every cell as well as the energetic pathways that carry information throughout your being. All types of emotional, genetically inherited diseases and behavioural patterns, stress, trauma, and the negative effects on your wellbeing can be transformed quickly and painlessly. Your ability to choose the life you want to live is greatly enhanced and strengthened because your body’s innate intelligence is programmed for your best and highest outcome.

Distant or Remote Energy Healing

Energy Healing is becoming very popular as it becomes more well known. It is based on the sound scientific principles of quantum physics, that teaches us that there is no time and space and that all things are connected. This is what makes healing genetically inherited diseases and chronic illnesses possible, along with making Distant Healings just as effective when used for someone across the globe as for someone sitting in the clinic.

Contact Margaret at Blueprint Natural Health on 0414 463 417 to make an appointment

2 thoughts on “Energy Healing”

  1. Hi there, i would like everyone to know how grateful i am to Blueprint Natural Health and Margaret. A few months ago i was very low in energy and feeling very sick, and that’s when i was diagnosed with cancer. Nothing much mattered to me anymore, just getting around the house was an effort. It was then i was in contact with Margaret who was very professional, compassionate and friendly. It wasn’t long before through Energy Healing that i started to get getting my energy back and my fighting spirit. I am still on my journey but i know without this Help and Healing i would not be where i am today. Thanking You and sending love. Joan Dovey.

  2. Hi there, i would everyone reading this to know how grateful i am for Margaret of Blueprint Natural Health. A few months before Christmas 2022, my energy levels were lower than low and i was feeling very sick. Nothing much mattered to me and it was an effort to get around the house. That is when i was diagnosed with cancer. It was not too long after that i was in contact with Margaret. I found her to be very professional compassionate and caring. Before i knew it with Margaret’s guidance and Energy Healing my energy and my fighting spirit returned. I am still on my journey but i know from the bottom of my Heart that i would not still be here without Margaret and Energy Healing. Thanking you Margaret and sending you love. Joan Dovey.

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