Overcome resistance and get more of what you want out of life of what you want out of life
When we set a goal, then feel like it’s impossible to progress towards it, that’s usually a sign of some kind of resistance to the change. There are many reasons why resistance shows up and causes us to slow our progress or stop in our tracks.
Some obstacles that cause us to be resistant to change can seem insurmountable, causing procrastination, lack of motivation, and in some cases, mental adaptations such as (but not limited to) depression & anxiety.
When you lack motivation, it might help to know that you’re probably never going to feel like doing that thing, but doing it anyway will help build momentum. It also helps to remember that the move you’re afraid to make is the one that will change everything. Trust yourself, and do whatever it takes to get it done.
Motivation or Inspiration? This is the difference between being driven and called forward.
Motivation is often hard to maintain, because it’s usually coming from an external source, someone else’s programme perhaps.
Inspiration on the other hand, has a more spiritual origin is often felt from within ourselves. My favourite quote: “Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.” So, do you have goals that interest you?
Without goals, there’s not much for inspiration to work with. Inspiration has the potential to uplift your mood and make you feel happy, which benefits your sense of wellbeing. Meditation is the key. Clearing your mind of constant chatter allows higher quality thoughts to enter, but without a goal to work with, you’ve just got an empty mind, which is not much help at all.
Our belief systems, or paradigms, as some life coaches call them, describe the way we see the world and ourselves in it. These are the mental programmes that have almost exclusive control over our habitual behaviour.
Our perception is a mental faculty that is controlled by our beliefs or paradigms. Perception is the ability to become aware of something through our senses. We can also be led to perceive things as others see them, for example, our parents’ teachings or the Hollywood view of life. Without some awareness of how our mind works, we can live our life according to an illusion, or someone else’s version of what life should be.
Resistance is a measure of the opposition to current flowing in an electrical circuit. This is completely relevant to the human body because our whole body runs on electrical energy.
The electricity in our bodies works differently from the electricity that powers our appliances at home. Unlike grid power, which works with free electrons, the electricity in our bodies comes from chemical signals that allow our cells to use the power.
Every thought, feeling, emotion, attitude and belief carries energy in the form of a tiny electrical charge.
If it’s a positive thought or emotion, it creates high quality energy. A resistant, negative thought or emotion will produce the opposite. These energies create our reality, either in a healthy and good way, or in a less desirable way.
Over time, if we don’t monitor what goes on in our minds, negative or resistant thoughts can create blockages to our success, make us sick or even create disease.
It helps to remember who you are. It’s easy to lose yourself in the chaos of life. Go outside, be in nature, look up at the stars and connect with your higher power, no matter who or what you perceive that to be.
Question everything. You don’t need to accept what others believe as absolute truth. Everyone has intuition, so use that to make your own decisions about what you believe.
If you’re suffering, ask questions about when things changed, who else was there, and what were the circumstances. When you do that, there’s a strong chance you will remember an incident or event that was significant enough to change your life.
This is where the work of healing begins. Meditate on that incident. It may feel uncomfortable for a short time, but stick with it because when you focus on this with an open mind and positive intention, you will notice it start to lose its power to control you.
By doing this, you will come to discover and recognise the truth of who you really are. Internalise that. Hold onto the power that it gives you. This is an exercise in trust. Sometimes you don’t know where your chosen path is taking you. Just keep going. Your life will change for the better.
Make meditation a daily practice. The result will surprise you and bring unexpected joy.
Each person has the ability to heal and change their circumstances for the better, no matter what their situation.
If you have goals for better health, career or other quality of life issues, and not yet found the help you need, I am dedicated to helping you find the real change you’re looking for.
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Contact Margaret: Phone 0414 463 417
Email: margaret.hoadley52@gmail.com