Getting from Survival Mode to Thriving

Work smarter instead of harder to achieve your health, career, money and relationship goals to thrive instead of merely survive 

Have you ever felt frustrated because no matter what you try, you just can’t break out of survival mode and begin to thrive?

This is a common complaint, and in fact, has been a recurring theme in my own life.  I’ve spent countless hours, years actually, searching and researching to find the missing link that would help me fulfil my ultimate goal of helping people to change their lives with much more efficiency than they imagine possible.

For the past 30 years, that has been my passion, my vision, my reason for getting out of bed in the mornings!

Throughout that process I came to realise that, when we set goals that are bigger than our past learnings and experience, we actually can’t get there from where we are. We need to increase our brain’s capacity to achieve the target by building the neurons that support the activity.  Without doing this, nothing significant is going to change.

There is good news if you’re looking for a faster, more efficient way to change anything about your life, especially if you’re are finding it difficult to get much traction on your goals.  

Bioenergetics is the study of the transformation of energy in living organisms.  It is a system that utilises physical and psychological therapy to increase wellbeing by releasing blocked energy on both the physical and psychic levels.

There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of Bioenergetics, which is grounded in energy medicine, neurobiology and quantum physics to help you return to your true health potential. Because physical and emotional health are connected, by using breathwork and some specific movements, circuits that have previously not been available for full function are built and activated.  Your body knows what to do when it gets what it needs to complete its tasks.

Combining bioenergetic techniques with Blueprint Healing makes this the next level of energy medicine. This works on reprogramming the subconscious mind, building the necessary circuits in the brain, which allows you to grow into your chosen life the easy way, from the inside out, naturally and without effort. I confidently practice and share these techniques with all of my clients.

This approach far outweighs the old ways, some of which had us doggedly pounding stuff into our brain with affirmations in an effort to convince ourselves that this is who we are, or what we believe now. Those ways don’t resolve anything at the source of our issues.

Now, as we recommission the higher version of ourselves, we uncover who we really are, creative, strong, powerful and self-determined, and reveal elements of our truly authentic self.  As that happens for us, the opportunities that match our new energies are no longer outside of our grasp.  We feel the energy change and see ourselves in a new light, capable of achieving much more, thriving and no longer willing to merely survive. So, if there’s something that needs to change to give you a better life, this method will get you over the line.  

This is my version of helping people to work smarter instead of harder, to help them achieve even higher goals than they thought possible. To get from survival mode to where you are thriving, sometimes the tiniest step towards your goal could mean a giant leap forward for your quality of life.       

As Maya Angelou said “the question is not how to survive, but how to thrive with passion, compassion, humour and style.”

Whether your aim is to improve your health, fitness, career prospects, creating cashflow, relationship, long-term effects of stress, life altering changes, personality or habitual behaviours, these are my areas of expertise.

Call Margaret to discuss how I may be able to help you, or book a consultation now and discover the path that will change your life in the best and fastest ways.

Opt-in For Your 1-Hour Discover Session Here

Contact MargaretPhone 0414 463 417 

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