Optimal healing requires you to rest and allow your body to recover, particularly as you start to feel better, because that’s when you are more likely to undo the good results you’ve achieved so far.
Drink plenty of water and add a dash of lemon juice. This assists the cells to stay hydrated This is of particular importance at this time to clear out the toxins from the virus.
Walk regularly for fresh air and light exercise, but nothing too strenuous in this recovery time.
Eat only fresh foods, using simple preparation methods and ingredients.
Swap all fast, high calorie, high energy food choices for healthy foods including lots of vegetables.
Continue taking the remedies until each is finished. Because the Blood Cycle is 12 weeks it is necessary to take the appropriate remedies that assist the optimal healing process for the entire time.
Lauren said she was excited about her life again. She felt wonderful! The headaches had gone, she felt well and was sleeping better than she could ever remember – no more waking at odd times or waking tired. Her energy was great and she could go out without being worried that she might get sick again.
Lauren said she was “glad the routines were easy to follow throughout the optimal healing process – just finish the remedies and continue making good lifestyle choices.”
Self-diagnosis and over-the-counter supplements are not the answer. They are expensive and the sad truth is they are designed to keep you from making a full recovery.
It is the job of a trained professional to discover the cause of your chronic or long term illness and to put you on your correct path to a full recovery.
To improve your health and wellness and to speed up the process of recovery, book your consultation now and discover the path that will change your life in the best possible ways.
Contact me to discuss how I can help you with your optimal healing:
Phone 0414 463 417