Pre-menopause – do you feel like you’re on an out-of-control roller coaster?
Have you always thought of yourself as being even-tempered, mild mannered, easy going and in control? And now you feel cranky, irritable and often upset?
Have you lost the ability to understand your own moods as well as their effect on other people?
If you are female, aged between 30 and 50, you may find yourself suffering from mood-swings, PMS, loss of libido, tender breasts, fibroids, weight gain, fatigue, migraines or a host of other unpleasant symptoms that weren’t always there.
These are signs that your work and home life is out of balance and that you are not able to give yourself the right care. The medical term given to this condition is “pre-menopause.”
First Consultation During your initial consultation, I’ll do an in-depth Iris Diagnosis to gain a picture of your overall health. Though this technique I’ll gain an understanding of the genetic, stress and other factors causing the health issues you are experiencing. Following the Iris consultation, I’ll prescribe a Herbal remedy specific to your individual physical needs, along with an emotional support remedy, to take for 6 weeks.
After 6 weeks, we will do a follow up consultation to assess your changing health picture and review how your remedies need to change accordingly.
Case Study
Person Picture: At 35, Karen has a full-time job, is a single mother of 3 young children, and has always believed she can do it all. After working all day, “all” includes working out at the gym twice a week, taking each of her kids to their respective sporting practice and events, secretary for the P&C shopping, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the garden.
However, lately Karen has noticed that her energy is low, she has gained some weight that she can’t lose no matter what she does, and she gets headaches frequently, her monthly cycle is unpredictable and her usual easy-going nature has become irritable, angry and often upset.
The prescription
Karen’s Iris Diagnosis showed her underlying strength, but also prompted me to ask about her family history of problems with the hormonal cycle. Karen said her grandmother had difficulty with painful and unpredictable periods when she was young. There were also indications of a highly stressed nervous system. Karen supported my theory that her stressful life may have triggered the change to her hormonal cycle, as well as being responsible for the irritability, fatigue, headaches and weight gain. Doing all of that work at high speed had exhausted Karen’s nervous system, and this was enough to cause all of Karen’s suffering.
I prescribed a Herbal Remedy to address the causes of Karen’s individual issues, which included restoring the function of her nervous and hormonal systems and liver to their optimal. I also prescribed some Flower Essences to support Karen’s emotional wellbeing.
Karen took all of the remedies as prescribed and came back for her follow-up appointment to adjust the remedy to complete the healing process.
Karen was thrilled with the results. She said she had taken an inventory of her life and realised that her home and work life were badly out of balance. She was working on sharing some of the responsibilities and tasks with others. Karen commented “I was just too stubborn to allow anyone to help me before, and I made myself sick!”
Self-diagnosis and over-the-counter supplements are not the answer. They are expensive and the sad truth is they are designed to keep you from making a full recovery.
It is the job of a trained professional to discover the cause of your pre-menopause and to put you on your correct path to a full recovery.
To improve your health and wellness and to speed up the process of recovery, book your consultation now and discover the path that will change your life in the best possible ways.
Contact me to discuss how I can help you with your pre-menopause:
Phone 0414 463 417