Change perspective on failure and acknowledge the courage and bravery it takes to try
Scriptures say, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.’
Some of the mountains in our lives show up as blockages to our path forward because of our own emotions and beliefs. The energy carried by stress, fears and subconscious beliefs has the power to stop us in our tracks, unless we learn how to identify them, neutralise and reprogramme how we think and feel.
The dictionary defines failure as the lack of success, but failure is really just a lesson to learn from while you travel your pathway to success. So, the question is “when is the right time to admit that you’ve failed?” The answer has to be ‘Never Give Up’ on a good idea!
Sometimes the fear of failing keeps us from making good decisions and prevents us from moving forward. If you stay in that fear energy, and allow it to dictate your future, that could be counted as a fail, if that’s where you allow your dream of a better future to end.
At other times, success might be impeded or delayed. Often, the world recognises and celebrates success by what can be seen, but there is so much more going on than what is visible.
Albert Einstein says “failure and deprivation are the best educators and purifiers.” This is where we learn what works and what doesn’t. The road to success is a very complex inner journey that will rarely be witnessed by others.
Life can be a journey filled with sacrifice, failure, disappointment, endurance, dedication, and discipline. All of this can be seen as a gift because it allows you to reinvent yourself many times over, and builds the resilience that will pull you forward toward your goals. This process makes you strong on the inside, where it really counts!
This is a good time to ‘clean up your act’ and take care of yourself in the best ways possible. This can be done by looking at how you manage all of the mental and emotional stress in your life. What you believe, and how you think and feel will show up as your results.
If you become overwhelmed, this is the time to rest, or take a holiday to recharge and reset. When you’re feeling empty, take it as a warning, because burnout is a real thing. These are signs that you literally have no more to give at this time.
Eat good nutritious foods, exercise, go out into nature often, the park, mountains or ocean. Nature provides a rest to your nervous system. Enjoy life, laugh with good humour, and train yourself to enjoy the ups and downs of the journey. Meditate often. This will remove any blocks, unwanted energy and clear and balance your chakra energy.
While you’re at it, make it a regular practice to let other people carry their own negative energy. There’s actually no point in taking on another person’s baggage because it doesn’t help anyone, and it can cause you to become drained of your energy or lose your own way.
Keep your relationships strong. It has been said that “for one human being to love another, it is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks. It’s the ultimate, the last test, and the work for which all other work is but preparation.”
Value the lessons and the personal growth that come from this sacred responsibility, and look for ways that will benefit each person to strengthen the partnership. To do anything less could score you an “F” on the test.
Goethe said: “As soon as you trust yourself, you know how to live.” Trust the path you’ve chosen because that is part of the learning curve, and the divine plan for your life.
Life can be unpredictable and filled with difficult situations. Have faith in yourself and your higher power, whatever or whoever that is. This is where you build strength and endurance, preparing for what lies ahead. Your own power of discernment is more valuable to you than the best advice or opinions of others. This is your journey, and you get to make the decisions.
I am dedicated to providing real assistance to anyone who has not yet found the help they need to get the results they’re looking for.
Call Margaret to discuss how I may be able to help you, or book a consultation to discover the fastest and easiest ways to change your life
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